Spiritual Warfare And The Deuteronomy Factor
The Three Principles of Spiritual Warfare are explained in Deuteronomy 2. To achieve victory, you and I must follow these same principles to the letter.
Following them ensures our victory while disregarding them can spell defeat for us as we go after fulfilling our need. These three principles are absolutely essential for us to follow.
• Whatever your need, these three principles must be understood.
• Then they must be employed by you and me to possess the solution to our need.
Your may need healing, help for a loved one or improvement in your finances. Whatever your need happens to be, adherence to these three principles will determine your level of victory or lack of it.
Now let us apply these Three Warfare Principles. Say you need healing.
1. You cannot peacefully coexist with the devil or his sickness. Moses tried this with King Sihon but King Sihon would have nothing of it. This resulted in a fight to the death.
You see, Moses tried to peacefully pass by Sihon on the way into the Promised Land. Sihon would not let him pass peacefully.
Deut 2:30
30 But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: (KJV)
Since Sihon would not let him pass peacefully, war to the finish had to be declared and won. Moses could not peacefully coexist with King Sihon.
2. When you rout the devil on one front, he will come at you from another. (They barely had King Sihon sprawled at their feet in total defeat when King Og came at them with a vengeance, Deuteronomy 3:1-7.)
Nevertheless, be not alarmed at this because we have the victory guaranteed to us in advance. The victory is guaranteed because the battle is the Lord’s.
Deut 3:21-22
21 And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Thine eyes have seen all that the LORD your God hath done unto these two kings: so shall the LORD do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest.
22 Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you. (KJV)
In other words, no matter how many kings come against you (they had to face seven kings here), the victory is guaranteed by God himself. He said he would do to the remaining five what He had already done to the first two.
3. We must be armed to the teeth at all times.
Deut 3:18
18 And I commanded you at that time, saying, The LORD your God hath given you this land to possess it: ye shall pass over armed before your brethren the children of Israel, all that are meet for the war. (KJV)
“Armed,” in this context, lasts until they have completed the taking of the land God promised them. They are to be armed to the teeth until they are at complete peace and rest in the land. See Deuteronomy 3:20.
You, too, must be armed to the teeth until you have complete victory and are in possession of your promised blessings.
These three principles must be utilized in our fight for the healing of our loved ones. Our objectives are different and our weapons are different.
We don’t use spears and battle axes in our spiritual warfare to take back our blessings of health, family well being and prosperity. Our weapons are different but the principles are the same. We still, however, employ the same three principles given above.
• We cannot coexist with what Satan has put on us.
• We are not discouraged when one victory is won and another battle starts.
• Our victory is guaranteed in advance.
• We must be armed to the teeth at all times.
• All this will last until we are in complete possession of our blessings and at complete peace and rest with them.
Go for it! Work the Three Principles. The victory is yours.

Spirituality And Science - Opposites?
Do spirituality and science have to be opposed to each other? Unfortunately, just defining either concept seems almost hopeless at times. On the other hand, describing them is much easier, so let's start there.
Science isn't system, but an approach to knowledge, a method. Scientists will argue forever about the definition of science, but still agree it is the most useful or productive method of understanding the world. What are its essential characteristics? They are objective observation, the deriving of principles and "laws", and predictions based on these. (When it produces things, it is also technology.)
Science can be easily differentiated from religion by the fact that all of the knowledge it produces might be proven wrong. Religious "knowledge" is typically sacred, and untouchable, while scientific knowledge is always being overthrown or refined by further application of science. While faith is the cornerstone of religion, evidence is for science.
This explains why "creationist" science is not actually science. A creationist "scientist" will not allow his religiously based beliefs to be challenged by new evidence. He will openly tell you that his "faith" is more important to him than the evidence. He only uses the pretense of science to support his preconceived notions. Many scientists, on the other hand, have overturned even their own theories, because the essence of science is to go where the evidence leads you.
Spirituality And Science Combined
It seems that spirituality and science contradict one another, but this would only be true if all spirituality was based on religious beliefs. Spirituality, though, can be seeking higher levels of experience, asking the deepest questions, and seeking the true "self," which in no way makes it contrary to science. In fact, since science is such a productive method of discovering new truths, it can be used for spiritual exploration and discovery.
I a belief in God contrary to science? Not so long as it is based on experience rather than faith, and it is open to change. Spiritual systems of beliefs can be a convenient way of organizing and using our knowledge and experience, like many other scientific theories or paradigms. To be scientific, though, they must be open to change.
If prayer brings you peace of mind, why not pray? When the evidence shows it to be a phenomenon involving brain chemicals, why not accept that too? It is scientific spirituality, by the way, that has lead to the technology of brain wave entrainment. Now you can buy CDs that give you the same spiritual experiences as religious meditators.
Being spiritual then, can mean forever seeking higher levels of experience, and looking for the answers to the deepest questions. Science help in this quest. Since every answer raises even deeper questions, there is no extinguishment of spirituality by way of science. If spirituality is the quest, then science may be the most effective means of continuing it.
Spirituality Articles
Adjustment is an important subject of social sciences. Adjustment culminates to unity and strong bond between people which is very necessary for the advancement and existence of society and the country. This is one of the sterling virtues, whosoever adopts it sails the boat of life smoothly and happily and can even face boldly the holocaust fatigue. It is a give and take affair. The dictionary meaning of adjustment is to alter slightly, become used to a new situation and harmonize.
Adjustment / reconciliation is an integration/ fructification and non-adjustment is decadence. The visionary adjusts even during difficult situations as one believes that dawn comes after dark and all phases of life are passing ones. A life of adjustment is an ideal one as one uses diplomacy / restraint / accomodation and is not provoked. With an attitude of adjustment all strings of rancour will loosen converting into bond of love, service, righteousness and universal brotherhood. In this spirit even the mightiest and the weakest may live together in complete harmony.
One may prefer to lose a fight or negotiate skillfully and will clear out all misunderstandings with others. One’s inside tug will vanish,the person stops drifting aimlessly and will become adaptable. One with such qualities will become humble, generous and extinguishes arrogance. The life becomes benign, completely streamlined, vibrant/ upbeat and fine-tuned. To err is human. The attitude of let go acts as a balm. One should not, always, stick to one’s own guns. Even with a small gesture of adjustment one earns the pleasure, good will, confidence, harmony and faith of others. Adjustment amongst young and old with wide generation gap is the necessity of the day.
Since one’s hatred is quelled due to adjustment the stress is reduced and the resultant is harmony in every direction. The family life becomes fruitful , joyful , cohessive and blossoms which is purely based on sacrifice ,tolerance, and mutual love. Since the emotions are controlled , the heart and mind work in unison with a desire to live peacefully. The fickle mind stabilizes and one casts off ego and never feels that he/ she is indispensible. Besides, due to change of attitude, sometimes, one becomes partner of somebody’s wealth, grace and virtues and victor of own trials and tribulations.
With adjustment one learns the art of handling people and with due consideration and tact even the knotty and puzzling problems can be solved. The discard and conflict turn to accord, denial to acceptance. In case the situation does not change, a person of consideration will change according to the circumstances as the tortoise does. The situation is not always according to our wishes. One’s language becomes sweet, rigidity melts down and he/ she is accepted by all, everywhere in cozy atmosphere. The argumentation is refrained and one becomes very conscious while dealing with others, especially with sensitive persons. Such a person becomes endear of all, animosity to none and is never stubborn, violent, disgruntled or proud. Saint Rahim has said,” Do not snap the thread of love by a jerk; once snapped, it can not be rejoined without a knot.” This saying is true about adjustment and faith also.
The mutual faith , respect, consideration and tolerance are deep rooted. He/ she will never denigrate/ contradict any religion, sect, caste, creed and country to avoid attrition and pitfalls which antagonize at a little pretext. We should avoid the awkward situation as we do while we meet a person walking from the opposite direction in the same clime. Unfortunately, fomenting insurgency, terrorism and communal/ racial hatred is on rise in the whole world disturbing the social fabric of life. The spirit of tolerance is vanished and values of humanity are degraded. This has also led to alienation of the society. Though the transformation needs a lot of sacrifice and self-denial but, no doubt, adjustment bridges many wide gaps.
There are many disadvantages for those who do not adjust and are not flexible in life. Their faculities do not function properly and they blame their luck, God or someone else for short-comings. Such persons start considering themselves as unworthy and may fume and fret on flimsy grounds. They become offensive, unfriendly and with such type of temprament ruin their innerself with blazing fire of hatred and revolt. He/ she may form habits of nitpick, peevishness and may thus fall apart from people at a small pretext. Also such habits create confusion in one’s mind making indecisive and switching tracks of mind off and on which , ultimately,derail the life. They may use curt and unbridled language resulting in a fire-brand /
ballistic personality whereas a little care and diplomacy can avoid war. Non adjustment causes a great loss and disappointment.
Adjustment has amazing healing powers as such persons do not live in repulsion, will not have any adversary but all well-wishers. Since such a person is cordial he/she may believe in theism and build pantheon for all. Persons of such qualities are insulated from outside and inside upheavals of life and thus relish the life under all circumstances treating pleasures and pains alike and annihilating the passions and anger. Adjustment makes a person obedient and trustworthy of elders, saints, preceptors, superiors and God.
The art of adjustment tends to the favour of others instead of vested interests. This is also one of the right paths leading to service of mankind, spirituality and liberation. With adjustment and sensual controls one will not be drowned in negativities. Such people are never inimical and their actions result in the reunion of broken hearts as the technique has a yoking effect. The pure heart with adjustment irrigates the seed to yield the harvest of universal amity. Adjustment does not mean that one should bear the onslaught of un-necessary criticism or wrong actions/ utterances of someone. Forebearance is necessary but to certain limits. It is strongly advised not to compromise/ cave in before the evil designs, forces and against one’s principles/ compulsions not leading to fair results. It is better to act according to one’s inner voice and rationale/ logic with perfectly cool mind and heart.
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