The Lord Word On Healing Publications
Today I will love to share with you the importance of Praise and Worship in receiving your blessing from God. Do doctors tell you that you are infertile? Have low or no sperm count?
Have you been told you are too old to have a baby? If you answered "Yes," I am here to tell you that health, happiness, and a new family have all already been guaranteed to you. There is a way to have the child you so desire.
Imagine the sound of a child's laughter filling your home!
Picture having a family that daily brings you all the joy, peace, and love you could have ever dreamed of.
Visualize your baby growing healthily inside of you, ready to lead a full and abundant life with you.
I am here to tell you today that all of these dreams can be a reality, YOUR reality.
The easiest way to obtain victory over all theses situations is to praise and worship God. Praise means to glorify or extol God. To magnify and bless Him.
The Bible tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalms 22: 3). What does the word inhabit mean? It means God lives in, dwells in, manifest himself in “the praises of His people. When we praise God, we have the Lord as a boarder, an in-dweller in us.
For many of you who face difficult or seemingly impossible situations, what you need to do is praise God. When you want God to inhabit your circumstances or difficulties you can do nothing better than to praise Him.
For when you praise him you are assured of His abiding presence inhabiting every life situation that may confront you. The only thing you and I can ever offer to God is our praise. We cannot give him money. There is nothing we can give him except praise.
How wonderful it is that God says in Psalms 50: 23 “that he who sacrifices thank-offerings honours me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.” So you see when you start to offer God a sacrifice of praise these are some of the benefits available to you.
Benefits of praise.
Praise unlocks the windows of Heaven Praise causes doubt to flee Praise brings down showers of blessings Praise brings down the love and peace of God Praise brings freedom from bondage Praise changes every situation Praise establishes your heart in God and brings God into the circumstances Praise is the master key to God’s store house
When you become established in praise you become a true worshipper of God - and you thus prepare your way to reap God’s blessings. In writing on praise, I would like to share from the Bible about David. May the Holy Spirit quicken your understanding and help you understand the truth of the power of praise in Jesus’ name.
DAVID What was David’s secret? All his confidence and trust was in the Lord. His boasting was not of any man, but it was of the Lord. David said to Goliath, “You come against me with swords and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty”. (I Samuel 17: 45)
We see in the life of David a beautiful example of God’s hand of protection overshadowing and preserving him from destruction. In his youth David was attacked by lions and bears and later in life he encountered a giant (Goliath) on the field of battle. Against all these overwhelming odds, David was not killed but rather he destroyed those that were bent on destroying him. David said, “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves. For the battle is the Lord’s and he will give all of you into our hands.” (I Samuel 17: 47)
You can learn from David; his boasting and confidence was not of what any human could do, it was based on what God could do for him. David lived a life of praise; In the Bible there are Psalms of praise, written by David to God. In Psalms 34: 1, he declared: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
This was his secret, God’s praise. David knew the power of praise. He knew God dwelt in our praises and nothing could stop him praising God. David listed some of God’s benefits to him for his life of praise as:
Redemption from destruction, Forgiveness for all our sins, healing of all diseases.
David attributed all theses benefits to his continued praise to God. God fights our battles when we praise him. As you start to praise Him, He will fight for you.
Praise is the Christian’s gun of battle. When the battles of life rage hard, the Christian who is fully armed with praise is well clothed for battle. God has commanded us to give him praise at all times. His praise should be to be continually on our lips. When God’s praise is continually on your lips you cannot be defeated. I encourage all the couples who face impossible situations to lift up their voices in praise of God. As you do that the peace and glory of God will come upon you. You say that you don’t know how to praise God.
The Psalms are full of praise songs. You can use Psalm 100, 159, 150, 117 to praise God. When I started my walk with God, all I knew was “glory to God” and I used to repeat that over and over again and the glory of God used to hit me so hard that I could hardly move. Praise him any way you know. The important thing is the heart of the person who is praising. As you praise Him, His blessing flows into your life.
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