Sunday, September 21, 2014


1) What we have today - is a consequence of our thoughts of yesterday,
and today's thoughts are creating tomorrow's life. Life - is a product of our mind.
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2) Hate is not overcome hatred.
Only love conquered hate.
This is an eternal law.
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3) Win and Win a thousand battles.
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4) He can who thinks he can.
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5) To think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy - just funny.
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6) Thousands of candles can ignite from a single candle, and the life it will not be shorter.
Happiness does not get smaller when you share them.
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7) Patience - it is an antidote to anger.
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8) Is it because the person above other creatures that heartless torturing them
but because he is compassionate towards all living things.
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9) Property - are not things, and thoughts.
You can have things and do not be the owner.
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10) As to the house with a thin roof leaks rain,
and in poorly developed mind seeps lust.
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11) There is no friendship with a fool. 
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12) corresponds to good or do not respond in any way.
If you respond to evil with evil, evil becomes larger.
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13) If the hand does not hurt, you can carry the poison in his hand.
The poison does not hurt having no injuries.
Who does not do evil, is not subject to evil.
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14) Goodwill toward all beings - that is the true religion.
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15) Nothing on earth or in heaven or in the ocean or in the mountains did not find a place
wherever the person was not able to conquer death.
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16) In the world there are a lot of exercises, but the fact
who himself chained themselves in chains, will not help any teaching.
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17) What's the use in that person is trying to show us their majestic appearance,
when the emptiness inside him?
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18) Who holds back the awakened anger as he came down the path of the chariot,
what I call a charioteer; others - simply hold the reins.
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19) Few among men reach the opposite shore.
The rest of the people are just busybodies on the local beach.
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20) It's nice to look at the noble; be in their company - good.
Be always happy is he who sees no fools.
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21) Who, before being frivolous, then became serious, he illuminates this world,
like the moon freed from clouds.
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22) Even a reasonable person would grow stupid, if he does not improve.
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23) One day a wise man and a meditator is truly better than a hundred years of human
has neither the wisdom nor the self-control.
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24) What is the use of human eloquence, if he does not follow his words?
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25) Every morning we are born again.
And what we do today, and will be of the greatest importance.
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26) Suppose that it is not looking at the faults of others, done or not done on the other,
but done or not done by him.
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27) The builders of canals allowed water archers dominate the arrow,
carpenters dominate the tree wise men humble themselves.
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28) is not life, nor riches, nor power to make of a man servant,
but only his attachment to life, wealth and power.
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29) One useful word, hearing which become quiet,
better than a thousand speeches, made up of useless words.
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30) All of you go to the truth in different ways, and I'm standing at the crossroads and look forward to you ...
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